Prepared Plated Media PPM


Catalog Number : 906

NUTRIENT AGAR is a general purpose medium, not selective but suitable for the cultivation of a wide variety non-fastidious microorganisms. It can be used as a colony count medium in sanitation, medica and industrial bacteriology.

There are many uses for Nutrient Agar in the bacteriological analysis of drinking water, wastewater, milk and other foods. The American Public Health Association (APHA) suggested the formula of Nutrient Agar as a standard culture medium used in water testing.It is also used in the multiplication of microorganisms to produce vaccines and antigens in general, in the tests of sensitivity and resistance, and as a base to prepare an enriched medium by adding ascitic fl uid, etc.It is used to grow microorganisms and for subsequent biochemical tests.The Gelatin peptone and Beef extract provide nitrogen, vitamins, minerals and amino acids essential for growth. Bacteriological agar is the solidifying agent.

ISO 6579 and ISO 10273 recommend this medium to obtain presuntive Salmonella and Yersinia isolated colonies respectively. A typical or suspicious colony from each selective medium must be seeded, and then the other four if the fi rst one turns out to be negative. In the case of epidemiological studies, it is recommended to identify at least fi ve colonies. Should there be less than fi ve typical or suspicious colonies on a plate, all the typical or suspicious colonies will be used for confirmation.Inoculate medium with the test sample and incubate at 35 ± 2°C for 18 - 48 hours. Good growth will appear as translucent colonies.

The following results were obtained in the performance of the medium from type cultures after incubation at a temperature of 35 ± 2°C and observed after 18 - 48 hours.

Catalog Number 906
Brand Prepared Plated Media
Material Resin (PS) +Media Agar
Packing Box
Color Yellowsih
Plates/Box 10
Weight (kg) 2 Kg
  • Certificate ISO 9001

  • Certificate ISO 13485

  • Certificate CPAKB

  • Certificate CDAKB


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